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 Mood Boards                                              

For my initial mood boards, I wanted to gather inspiration for my cutaway shots. I knew before I started making my narrative film that I wanted the cinematography to be stylistic and experimental, to mirror the nostalgic feel of the Riot Grrrl Rock era of the 90's. To do this, I could perhaps in post add effects to make it look as though it was shot on super 8 film. I'd like to mostly use cutaways instead of talking heads, and have overlapping voices. Personally I find that talking heads don't add anything to documentaries, so I thought if I was to use talking heads, I would shoot them in stylistic ways, for example, close ups of the eyes of the side profile. Therefore I decided to make a mood board for these cutaways, with ideas for locations and also stylistic choices filming wise. I'd like to use kaleidoscopes, and to do this use a crystal ball in front of the camera lenses, and with a key light hitting the ball to create cool and interesting shapes. I'd like to use bright colours throughout, perhaps pinks, blues and reds, to make it vibrant and interesting to look at. 

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